Who wants to read what I write?

When I decided to write my book, Equal Protection Under God, this was a question I asked myself over and again. I think many aspiring authors ask this same question. With all the great writers throughout time with wonderful books already on the shelves, why would anyone pick up my book to read? Who wants to hear what I have to say?

On a Mission

Thankfully, I believed God directed me to write that book. If I had not believed that the book would have never been written. There are a lot of books about women as pastors and in leadership in the church, about the real strength of women and God’s love for us. Most of those books were written by scholars, professors, pastors, and people whose professions lend to that type of writing. Those people already have a platform and in the “arena” of influence. What could I possibly write that hasn’t already been written? So, who was I to write about that and share my thoughts? What would it matter?

There’s Only One ME. My Voice is Unique.

What I had to learn and appreciate is that my voice is unique. I may be writing about the same subject that others more qualified have written about, but no one can write about that subject from my perspective. I’m the only one with the experiences I’ve had. There’s no one else who has had the conversations I’ve had with women who have been sexually assaulted, trafficked, abused, ignored, discriminated against, and discounted. There is no one else who can tell my own story and my own experiences.  

Secondly, the way I write, the way I tell the story may reach someone who may not ever read a book written by a professor. They may not understand what that professor wrote or have any connection to that story, but they may have a connection to my story and will be able to learn from me when they couldn’t learn from the professor. They may understand my words and my anecdotes.

There’s Only One YOU. Your Voice is Unique.

Your life and experiences are unique to you. There is only one you. Only you can tell your story or give your point of view. You have been given a unique to you story and perspective. Don’t think you can’t lend your voice to a conversation because you don’t have a degree or a position of authority. Your story and your way of telling your story or perspective will resonate with people.

You Are a Blessing to Someone. Your Story Matters.

If you don’t share your story or your perspective, you will deprive someone of connection, help, encouragement, or empowerment that they need. Your words will be a blessing to someone, don’t deprive them of that. 

What is holding YOU back?

Photo Courtesy of #KathySmithImages


Submissive Majority: Women in Biblical History


It’s Never Too Late to Start Writing That Book!